PubhD Nottingham #8 (August 2014): Medicine, Management and Physics

Descartes magnetic field


Wednesday 20 August, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.


The Vat and Fiddle pub (in the Golding’s Room),
12 Queen’s Bridge Road


Three speakers will explain their research to a bunch of people in the pub in exchange for a pint or two.

See The PubhD Format and About pages for more information about what to expect at an event.


  • Rehma Chandaria (Medicine) is researching regenerative medicine. She is trying to grow stem cells in artificial structures to create tissue grafts that might be able to help sufferers of Crohn’s Disease or Colitis.
  • Stuart Bowe (Physics/Nanoscience) is in his second year of a PhD in physics. He is looking at how we can change the magnetic properties of materials so that they can be used in ultra-fast computers. He spend most of his time squeezing something called Galfenol.
  • Lisa Common (Management) is a midwife and full-time PhD student. Her research is exploring how change is successfully introduced to maternity services that enables more women to safely give birth to their children at home.
